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Barugh Green Primary School



Higham Common Road, Barnsley, South Yorkshire, S75 1LD



The Early Years Foundation Stage

Phase Lead Brindley Turner

Provision in our EYFS follows the Statutory Framework for the Early Years, which was updated in 2021.  Below you will find a range of documentation that provides information about our EYFS curriculum.

Curriculum coverage in each subject is outlined in our Long Term Planning documents and Knowledge Sequence documents.  We have identified how the EYFS fits into each curriculum subject within these documents, which can be found on our Wider Curriculum tabs to the left.  Please hover over 'WIDER CURRICULUM' to navigate to each subject.


Please note from Monday 26th September all pictures will be placed on the SeeSaw app.

Week 3


Today we have been shape detectives! We have learnt about the properties of 2D shapes and then had lots of fun hunting for them in our classroom! We even found lots in our outdoor area and practised drawing different shapes in giant chalk. 


Thank you so much to every grownup who attended our first Stay and Play! It was a lovely experience to see how our children have settled in and teach you how to use our favourite areas. Please do not worry if you had other commitments today, there will be plenty more!


Parent note: Thank you for your patience with setting up our new parent communication app, SeeSaw. We are hoping to have the app up and running next week. Please keep your eye out for any letters regarding this in your child's packet this week!

Robbie the Robot has made his first appearance in our home corner this week! He leaves out his favourite stories for us to use in our play. Our home corner has turned into Buckingham Palace, so of course he has left us lots of lovely stories about princesses, princes, kings and queens!

Our home corner has inspired us to write letters to the Royal Family

We have begun to look at grouping and sorting during our maths talk. Our pom pom challenge and 2D shape hunt were a very big hit!

Week 2

Parent note: This week in school we are learning about the Mid-Autumn Autumn Moon Festival celebrated in Chinese culture. Please find information about this celebration here;


Fierce beasts have popped out of our story book Not Now Bernard by David McKee. We had to build a cage to keep them from gobbling us up! We tested it and found that we needed to make it stronger as it could be easily destroyed so we decided to use string to tie our walls together. 


The pirates have been and left us all a treasure map! In our PE lesson we have been learning about space through being pirates aboard a ship, we were so good that some of these pirates left treasure maps for us to find their hidden gold! There were some fantastic mark making of 'x-marks the spot' and using images on our map which matched areas of our classroom!

There are also some lovely moments of building friendships by supporting each other in provision. 


Outdoor learning! Our outdoor area is a space for exploration, creativity, imagination and lots of learning fun! This week we have been making marks in giant chalk, testing out new FS2 stage, putting out fires and testing our balance on stilts!


One of our lovely parents has gifted us with homemade lanterns to decorate our classroom ready for the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival. We used these as inspiration to practise our fine motor and cutting skills to make our own lanterns!

We were also inspired by Chang'e's elixir which made her float to the moon and made our own recipes in the mud kitchen

Our First Week at Barugh Green Primary School

Parent note: The words highlighted in bold is the language we have been using in school for you to mirror at home when they tell you all about their wonderful day!


Parent note: Thank you for an amazing first week in FS2. It has been an honour to welcome your kind, thoughtful and curious little learners to Barugh Green and we cannot wait to see what the rest of the year holds!

We welcomed a new member in our classroom today; a caterpillar! The children loved explaining how caterpillars change in to a butterfly or moth by forming a cocoon. He was a lovely addition to our curiosity corner where we used giant magnifying glasses to see the patterns on his body and use these to make butterflies on our creative table!

Only One You has been our class story this week. We have learnt all about Adri and his journey to school and even learnt some fantastic vocabulary! See if you can test us on wisdom, appreciate, crowd and discover!

We made a friend for Adri to help him feel safe in school and decided that they must be kind and happy


The school library has been a great source of excitement today! We have found lots of amazing stories that we cannot wait to take home with us next week!


Here is a little snippet of how busy we have been in our sand and creative areas!

Our sand area is a great place to build volcanoes, stairs to magical places and bake delicious sandy cakes!

We are especially proud of how well our FS2 children tidy away their creations ready for the next person to use. 


Large Construction

In our outdoor area, we had some inventive construction taking place! We built a train line for zoo animals including cages to keep the animals safe! Tunnels were made for the trains to pass through and we had some fantastic discussions about how to keep each other safe when we were walking across the lines. 

Amazing teamwork!

Mark Making

Today we have found how our large chalks can make different marks on so many surfaces! We wonder if you can spot any of our secret messages in our outdoor area. 


We have loved exploring the different areas of our classroom both indoors and outdoors. There has been wonderful discussions about the different things we can create together! The sand and water area have been a class favourite so far!

School Dinners

Our teachers and dinner staff were very proud of FS2's first school dinner. We have learnt how our green, yellow and red bands tell the dinner staff what meal we are having and how to carry and clear our trays when we are finished!

 EYFS Sequence Document 23 24.docxDownload
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