Special Educational Needs & Disabilities & Inclusion @ BG
Below you will find downloadable documents with details of how we manage SEN-D and Inclusion at BG.
BG is a fully inclusive setting, where, regardless of need or starting point, all learners have equal access to a high quality, well sequenced curriculum that enables them to reach their full potential. As in all things, we are committed to EXCELLENCE in Inclusion at BG.
The documents below will provide you with some detail about our offer, but please don't hesitate to contact our SENDCo via the school office, should you require further information.
Our SENDCo is Rachel Tarbuck.
Inclusion Team
Our Inclusion Team consists of our SENDCo, Rachel Tarbuck; our Learning Mentor, Glenda Larkin and our team of Teaching Assistants, deployed across the school to support both individual and group teaching and learning and interventions.
Click here for more information about our Learning Mentor.